Thursday 13 October 2016


Preliminary Video

The video below is our prelim video for our AS media coursework. The requirements for the video were:

  • Door opening (match on action)
  • Walking across a room 
  • Over the shoulder shot
  • A conversation between two people with both of their faces shown


We opened the video with a mach on action medium shot of the interviewee (Jess) pushing a double door open in one shot and in the shot following shot she is seen going through the doors.

 The next shot is a pan of Jess walking across the room, so already we have two of the requirements ticked off the list. 

Just as the interviewee is about to walk through the door, the shot cuts to an over the shoulder shot following her as she walks outside. 

As she walks outside we see the interviewer (Maria) and what follows is a series of medium shots and over the shoulder shots as she interviews the interviewee. Thus checking off the final of the objectives for the video.

This gave us the chance to practice our camera framing skills and editing skills on final cut pro.

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